
Dariya is a great silage or dual purpose option in southern areas. She does best in a more managed situation and is a great option following soybeans.

Planting: Dariya has fast emergence. We recommend to plant at standard populations for the area. 

Early Season: Dariya grows tall quickly. 

Mid Season: She responds well to foliar fungicide.

Late Season: The root system is large enough to support this height.


Harvest: Dariya has deeper kernels and good testweight. She stands well for a big hybrid.



Maturity Zones (FAO) – 470
Recommended Region – South

Seedling Vigor – Very Good
Leaf Angle – Erect
Flowering for Maturity – Late
Stalk Rating – Very Good
Root Rating – Very Good
Plant Height – Tall
Ear Height – Low
Fall Appearance – Very Good
Staygreen – Very Good
High Population Tolerance – Very Good

Ear Length – Medium
Ear Girth – Good
Ear Flex – Fair
Kernel Rows – 18-20
Test Weight – Good
Cob Color – Red
Husk Cover – Medium
Drydown – Good
Silage Quantity –Excellent
Silage Quality – Good

Poorly Drained – Good
Medium Soils – Very Good
Sandy Soils – Good
Gray Leaf Spot – Good
Northern Leaf Blight – Good
Goss’s Wilt – Good
Common Rust – Good
Corn after Corn – Good
Fungicide Response – Very Good
Drought Tolerance – Good


Таңдаулы өнімдер

