Ramona performs best under irrigation and under dryland conditions. She maintains health all season long. Ramona needs to have higher populations to reach top yields in good growing conditions. Keep her on your tougher acres.
Planting: Ramona has some ear flex characteristics but does better with higher populations. She is well-suited for dryland acres. When planting on irrigated acres, increase the population. Seed fungicide is recommended.
Early Season: Ramona has fast emergence and upright leaf charachteristics. She handles stress veryFast emergence. Upright leaf characteristics. She handles stress very well. She perfoms very well in minimum till or no-till situations.
Mid Season: Ramona flowers early and has a long grain-filling period. Ramona maintains health and does nor require a folliar fungicide.
Late Season - Ramona is a very healthy hybrid. She is not a very tall hybrid, but she has a lot of leaf material. Ramona can be chopped for silage with decent tonnage.
Harvest - Ramona dries down more slowly. She stands a very well and can stand for a long time in the field for drying. Ramona has high testweight grain.
Short. Maintains health all season long. Takes what Mother Nature can throw at it. Needs to have higher populations to reach top yields in good growing conditions. A good choice for narrow rows.